well, tis blog site is a pathetic failure.............a sad case..... so now i shall tk d initiative to spice it up a little.....after such a long time since the last post..... hmm, ......
tis is d First post since the new year....... SORRY to all our loyal readers out there.......Penny n I are simply too busy wf our own schedules n plus we dun even hv enuf ideas for our own blogs....
SO DEAR READERS, GV US SOME SUGGESTIONS.....wat u want us to post up here, wat YOU wanna see? anythign interestin? embarrassing stories? ridiculous pictures?? poems? creative posts? ANYTHING....SUGGESTIONS SUGGESTIONS SUGGESTIONS!!!! feel free to brign it up..... we wil , by all means, fulfill them........
SINCE it's the new year, I shall leave a little sumthign, a special note to my dear precious fren:

Knowing you is a blessing,
Loving you is an honour,
Together we'll face all odds,
cherishing our frenship forever=)
p/s: sorry=p a cheesy poem....but genuine ok!=P
tis is d First post since the new year....... SORRY to all our loyal readers out there.......Penny n I are simply too busy wf our own schedules n plus we dun even hv enuf ideas for our own blogs....
SO DEAR READERS, GV US SOME SUGGESTIONS.....wat u want us to post up here, wat YOU wanna see? anythign interestin? embarrassing stories? ridiculous pictures?? poems? creative posts? ANYTHING....SUGGESTIONS SUGGESTIONS SUGGESTIONS!!!! feel free to brign it up..... we wil , by all means, fulfill them........
SINCE it's the new year, I shall leave a little sumthign, a special note to my dear precious fren:

Knowing you is a blessing,
Loving you is an honour,
Together we'll face all odds,
cherishing our frenship forever=)
p/s: sorry=p a cheesy poem....but genuine ok!=P
aww..how lovely is dat =)
well..im grateful that i came to know u, feelin the happiness when i'm hangin around with u, being blessed to be loved by u (in the sense of love as a friend ok? u people dun tink senget!!)where will i be if u never appear in my life?
thnx for ur appearance dear^^
same here.......blessed to know a great fren like u=)
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